Saturday, October 27, 2012

Do You Want to Increase Pitching Speed of Your Fastball?

Most baseball pitchers probably want to increase pitching speed of your fastball! Having a really good blazing fastball is absolutely priceless. You can enhance your pitching performance when your fastball has real ZIP on it! The faster your pitch can travel to the plate the better your chances of overpowering the batter. Combining proper practice, training and condition will help increase the speed on your fastball.

Increase Pitching Speed of Your Fastball - Tips!

If has often been thought that pitching with good velocity was just pure talent. Today it is known that with proper training and the right tools you can greatly increase the speed on your fastball. There are many factors involved in improving your pitching speed. Muscle strength along with technique and mechanics are all important. Following a proper program that combines good practice techniques and physical conditioning can help dramatically. Once you start to see notable improvement in your speed of your fastball it will also help make all your other pitchers more effective.

Increase Pitching Speed with

Increase Pitching Speed of Your Fastball - Long Toss

Outstanding Training Drill for all Baseball Players-
Performing long toss sessions is an excellent way to improve your pitching velocity as well as throwing ability for any ballplayer. Start by being only about 30 feet apart. After each throw or two move a little bit further from you throwing partner. Keep moving further apart and do not be afraid to test yourself. Remember to use hip rotation as you throw and do not just rely on your arm. Mechanics are very important here to prevent arm strain. Also - do not over do ling tossing. As with many physical training methods you can over train. It is not the quantity of this drill that is important so much as the quality that counts. You do not want to develop an over tired arm by doing too much too often.
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  2. Increase Pitching Speed (highly recommen...
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  4. Increase Pitching Speed of Your Fastball...
  5. Increase Pitching Speed of Your Fastball...
  6. Increase Pitching Speed with Amazon
  7. Pitching Mechanics Video
  8. Featured Sites
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  10. Baseball Training Tips
  11. Better Pitching

Increase Pitching Speed of Your Fastball - Stronger muscles throw harder!
Despite what some coaches still believe strength training with weight WILL definitely help your pitching performance when done properly. While certain muscle such as the arm and shoulder muscles are used to a significant amount when pitching your weight training program should be designed to provide overall strength to all your major muscles groups, This includes legs, back, shoulders, abdominal, chest and arms. Do not neglect certain body parts in favor of your arm and do not over train. Also you not attempt maximum lifts as they are not important for your athletic performance. Very important - all weight training exercise should be done in a slow and controlled manner to achieve maximum benefit and safety. More details are available from

Increase Pitching Speed of Your Fastball - Rotator cuff

The importance of your Rotator Cuff Muscles:
Rotator cuff muscle are a vital contribute to the throwing motion. Pitchers need to develop strong rotator cuff muscle to reach a successful level of performance. Light dumbbell exercises or cable machines can be used to perform the simple exercise to strengthen these muscles. Keep you upper arm against your side, rotate outwards and back, then roate (pull) toward the front of your body. Do this against a light resistance, move slowly and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger. Perform 2 or 3 times per week, no more. A cable machine is very effective for this exercise. This will certainly help you reach maximum pitching speed and to do it with the least chance of injury.

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