Monday, July 2, 2012

3 Idiotic Weight Training Myths in Baseball

There are many myths out there pertaining to weight training for baseball players. Some of them were created a while ago while others were started not too long ago with the aid of the internet. Through the years, several players have been held back in their baseball workouts as a result of these common myths. We hope that by knowing the actual facts you will know how to adapt your baseball workouts so that you can reach your full potential in the game. Please be aware that I am in no way a doctor and you should seek the advice of your doctor before starting any training plans.

Myth 1: Weight training will probably mess up a great swing.

Facts: Absolutely nothing could be more incorrect! Weight training is vital to become a better hitter! Specific things should be taken into consideration while weight training though. Make sure you're stretching before and after you train, and balance your workouts with cardiovascular training too. Another point to bear in mind is that you're a baseball player and your main training priority is to become better at baseball. This means that while you ought to be exercising, you have to dedicate the majority of your time on the baseball field practicing your baseball fundamentals.

Myth 2: Pitchers should not lift weights.

Facts: Like myth one, not much could be more wrong. If you are a pitcher who doesn't weight train, then you are going to be beaten more often than not by hitters who do lift weights! Several individuals claim that you will get hurt by lifting weights if you are a pitcher. The fact is though, that weight lifting actually keeps you from getting hurt! This is the reason why most major league pitchers commit to a year-round training program, to keep themselves conditioned for the 200+ innings they will be throwing each year.

Myth 3: Weight training is going to make an athlete a better hitter or a better pitcher.

Facts: You are probably saying to yourself "you just told me that both hitters and pitchers should lift weights but now you're telling me it will not make me a better player?" Yes, I am telling you that lifting weights will not make you a better hitter or a better pitcher...alone. While it is extremely important to incorporate a great weight training program into your workouts, you ought to be practicing your swing or your pitching motion to actually make you a better hitter or pitcher. What I'm trying to say is that you need to be spending at least as much time on the field as you are in the gym. It is all about sticking to a well-balanced workout plan.

Now that we've debunked these common baseball training myths, I hope you will find a way to fine-tune your baseball workouts and training plan to help you become the greatest player you can be!

Are you interested in improving your game and being the best baseball player you can be? If so, check out to find more helpful information as well as baseball workouts and training programs for sale that will take your game to the next level!

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